Self Encounter – Self
Development to Self Realization
sooner do you decide an aim and commit to it than the directions of your
thoughts, words and deeds all unite. You will soon begin to realize your
potential and express it. A total transformation takes place. This book will
help those who wish for such a transformation. For those who already have an
aim, this book will help them to achieve it. Seek ‘Self Development to Self Realization’
through this book.Â
This book is a mirror. It is a mirror that you
hold in front of yourself. It is knowing oneself at a deeper level through
experience. The book holds a mirror against your growth in all the five planes
of life – physical, mental, social, financial and spiritual. As you dive deeper
you encounter the leader within you, the communicator within you, the one that
shall transform all the five aspects of your life.
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