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“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
— Michelle Obama
These words are so true. In today’s fast-paced world where men and women work at the same pace, hand in hand, unlike our past where women were considered weaker or inferior. Today’s woman has achieved greater heights in all walks of life, be it homemaking or space travel. Woman has created a space for herself, a benchmark for herself. She is strong, fierce and independent.
But what is true independence for a woman? Let us consider the qualities that make women truly independent.
To be really independent, we need to know the qualities, skills that we have within, and sharpen and enhance those qualities to achieve the highest possibility. Every woman has some qualities that lie latent within herself. Let us understand these qualities, which can enhance the personality of a woman.
One of the most important qualities of a woman is her receptivity. A man needs to take effort to be receptive, but receptivity is something that’s natural for a woman. But unfortunately, this quality, which was a boon has become a curse for many. With the fear of insecurity and focus on negativity in the surroundings, women fail to rationalize between good and bad. The law of attraction says – focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. As a result, they attract more negativity in life by constantly focusing on it. Hence, it is important that women need to focus more on receiving positive things rather than on violence, torture and negativity.
The second unique quality is her consistency. A woman has the capacity to consistently work ata given task. She can work with continuity. Consistency is something that comes naturally to women. Once she starts doing a particular work, be it monotonous or boring, she can do it with continuity. But this quality brings the expectation of being appreciated. She desires to be appreciated for her work. At times, the desire for appreciation is so strong that when somebody appreciates and praises her work, she may yield to their requests by going to any extent to satisfy them. The other weakness with this quality of consistency is the loss the ability to think creatively.
Endurance. Woman can bear labour pains during childbirth because of her quality of endurance. This is the third unique quality of women. Along with endurance, the she has immense patience, which enables the woman the forbear through difficult circumstances.
But this quality is also a reason for exploitation. She quietly suffers torture and abuse due to this quality of endurance. Even today, women in rural India consider child marriage and the custom of sati as a part of their destiny. By accepting this, they do not realize that they are encouraging the society to exploit them. While women get exploited, there are also some women who support such exploitation. Hence, it is commonly seen that the relationship between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law has been traditionally a sour story, at least in the Indian context. If they perceive this relationship from a different point of view, the relationship between these two women can bring immense happiness for each other and the family as a whole.
Shyness is the subtle beauty of a woman. Shyness and respectful behaviour are the fourth unique quality, which again is something that comes naturally to women. Women naturally have a soft body structure. They are naturally gentle and decent. When a woman crosses the limit of decency, people take undue advantage of their behaviour.
In today’s world, while being competent enough or in a rush to compete with men, women cross the fine line of decency. One of the main reasons is the blind adoption of western culture. Hence, it is very important that women should stick to their decency and respectful behaviour and understand the fine line between real progress and competition with men.
On one hand, beauty, shyness, modesty, forgiveness, joy, humility, compassion, sweetness of speech, and sacrifice are the ornaments of a women. On the other hand, competition with a strong gender bias, envy, and dependency on others are harmful qualities. For removing such harmful qualities from the core, the woman has to become independent in the real sense.
Know that receptivity, consistency, endurance, respectful behaviour are the precious gems you have. On this International Women’s Day, seek to enhance these qualities. Seek to be empowered by these inherent qualities within, rather than focusing on external appeal. The world will then surely be a better place with respect and joy.
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