This Christmas, let us contemplate on the true meaning of the birth of Jesus. What does it mean for us? How can it bring about a transformation in our life?
The angel proclaimed, “The Liberator shall be born through you; you will be His Virgin Mother.” Jesus was born to Virgin Mary. There is a profound message in this. The birthing of the Highest Consciousness can happen only through the virgin state of purity, which is devoid of vices like greed or lust.
How many people get married with the magnanimous intent of being instrumental for the birthing of the Highest Consciousness? How many parents intend that their newborn child be dedicated to serve for the wellbeing and uplift of humanity?
Mother Mary and Joseph came together with this sacred intent to give birth to the Messiah, the embodiment of the Highest Consciousness, who in turn gave new life to the masses. Jesus breathed life and higher consciousness into those whom he touched through his divine presence and message.
Contrast this against the intent of the vast populace, that gets married with self-centered desires: Let my wish be fulfilled. Let me get a child to further my lineage. Let me have children, who will care for me during my old age. Let me give birth, so that my wealth and possessions will be inherited by my own bloodline. Most people cannot think beyond the limited “I, me, mine.”
Mother Mary was in a state of readiness and surrender for the birth of the Son of God through her. That’s when Jesus was born; it is then that she came to be known as Virgin Mary. This shows that when we surrender ourselves with the feeling, “Let my body and mind be at the service of the Divine will; Let Thy will be Done,” then we can attain the state of purity of Mother Mary.
Purity of mind and devotedness to the Divine lead us to a state of readiness to give birth to the inner child of higher consciousness within us. It is then that the state of Christ can arise within us to express and spread love, bliss and peace.
~ Based on the teachings of Sirshree
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